Eat Fresher in Hong Kong: 2023 Cool Off Summer Salad Recommendations | 香港食得更新鮮: 2023 清涼夏天沙律推介

Written by Thomas 撰寫人 Thomas

Summer is here again with its heat and humidity making everything clammy and warm, so what’s better than having some summer salads to cool off the heat! We FOODBOX would like to recommend some menus for it!

香港夏天最出名就係又濕又熱,所以食野方面最好就係清淡涼爽為主。所以 FOODBOX 今日都為你地準備左幾個最合適嘅沙律!


Cobb Salad | 美式沙律

Mesclun mix, grilled chicken, smoked burgundy ham, bacon, avocado, cherry tomatoes, eggs, cucumbers, red onions.

Calories (cal): 513 | Protein (g): 32 | Fat (g): 19 | Carbohydrate (g): 30 | Fiber (g): 8

Having all kinds of meaty proteins from grilled chicken, ham, bacon, and egg. This box will provide you with adequate proteins for your daily chores. The avocado within is excellent in controlling blood sugar and cholesterol as well.

美式沙律會比適合喜歡肉類的你,內含多元化的雞肉、火腿、煙肉及蛋。所提供的蛋白質能提供一日工作的能量! 此外沙律亦含有牛油果,能有效地控制血糖及血脂。


Smoked Salmon Salad | 煙熏三文魚沙律

Mesclun mix, smoked salmon, feta cheese, cucumbers, capers, red onions.

Calories (cal): 248 | Protein (g): 18 | Fat (g): 12 | Carbohydrate (g): 21 | Fiber (g): 7.6

Salmon is a good source of omega fatty acids (a type of healthy oil) to us, it is proven effective to reduce the risk of both cardiovascular diseases and stroke. Moreover, it also provides various types of vitamins and minerals for our neural health.

依款沙律入面有充滿著健康 omega 脂肪酸 (一款比食紅肉中攝取更健康的脂肪),能夠有效減低心臟病及中風的風險。除此之外,三文魚提供着人體所需多種的維他命及礦物質。


Caesar Salad | 凱撒沙律

Romaine lettuce, cherry tomatoes, grated parmesan cheese, croutons.

Calories (cal): 359 | Protein (g): 18 | Fat (g): 11 | Carbohydrate (g): 48 | Fiber (g): 10

What’s better than having delicious cheese whilst improving your bone health, cheese can be an important source of calcium to our bones, and reduce the chance of osteoporosis in the future.



Quinoa Salad | 藜麥沙律

Mesclun mix, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, red onions, carrots, quinoa, sweet corn, and avocado.

Calories (cal): 271 | Protein (g): 11 | Fat (g): 10 | Carbohydrate (g): 41 | Fiber (g): 13
Quinoa is always marketed as a superfood on the market, but what’s so special about it is with its rich minerals content. Both iron and magnesium are present in high concentration. The rich magnesium can better control our blood sugar and cholesterol level. Moreover, the nature of quinoa also provide a sense of fullness which can replace carbohydrate-rich rice. It also has a low glycemic index.



Waldorf Shrimp Salad | 大蝦鮮果沙律

Mesclun mix, shrimp, cucumbers, candied walnuts, mixed apple salad with red and green apples and lemon mayonnaise.

Calories (cal): 381 | Protein (g): 16 | Fat (g): 17 | Carbohydrate (g): 45  Fiber (g): 10

Shrimp is a refreshing ingredient on the salad, it provides an array of vitamins and minerals. It is what makes it a better source of protein than conventional red meat.


FOODBOX 於2015年起於香港提供個性化及新鮮的健康輕食餐盒,現有四家分店坐立於香港島及九龍。於香港新星品牌選舉獎前,FOODBOX也於不小地方獲得肯定,例如「全港十佳沙律外賣店」及「全港最佳沙律」等;2022 年更獲港鐵公司頒發「優異新品牌商舖」。

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FOODBOX is the best salad, sandwich and hot food takeaway concept that helps you live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle in the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong.  Every award-winning, eco-friendly box is made fresh and to order, so your favourite salad, sandwich, or hot food boxes is always personalised... to you!

食得更環保。 食得更健康。 食得更新鮮。

FOODBOX是最好的沙律,三文治和熱食外賣概念,幫助您在香港的䌓囂中建立更健康、更可持續的生活方式。 因每個屢獲殊榮,環保餐盒都新鮮製作,您最喜愛的沙律、三文治或熱食一定充滿著你的個性!