Simon Chow and Sammi Chow, founders of FOODBOX, were born and raised in a village in Tai Po, deep inside Hong Kong’s New Territories.

Love, hard work, community... these values are integral to their everyday lives as they grow up and take on the big city.

Simon and Sammi infused their values in prize-winning Italian French restaurant CLUB CHOW in 2010. CLUB CHOW’s food market favorite fresh roasted turkey sandwich sowed the seeds the first FOODBOX.

Pre-packaged sandwiches and salads are just not good enough. They look bad and taste even worse. Simon and Sammi set out to change the compromise in takeaway food.

Sandwiches with fresh roasted meats and veggies. Salad freshly tossed with chef blended dressing. Side soups made with fine restaurant recipes. Every single item hand made by chefs, right in front of the customer in a package that can be taken anywhere... this is the vision for FOODBOX.

FOODBOX的創辦人SIMON Chow和Sammi Chow在香港新界大埔一個村莊出生和長大。

愛、努力工作、社區… 這些價值觀融入了他們的日常生活到現在。

2010年,Simon和Sammi在屢獲殊榮的意大利法國餐廳CLUB CHOW注入了他們的價值觀。CLUB CHOW在本地的市集最喜歡的新鮮烤雞肉三文治,為第一間FOODBOX 播下了種子。

預先包裝好的三文治和沙律不夠新鮮。 它們觀感和味道都很糟糕。Simon和Sammi著手改變外賣食品要接受的妥協。

三文治配新鮮的烤肉和蔬菜。 沙律與廚師混合的醬汁新鮮攪拌。 用精美的餐廳食譜製作的鮮湯。 每一件由廚師手工製作的食品,都放在顧客面前,包裝成可以隨身攜帶的餐盒…這就是 FOODBOX 的願景。