Eat Healthier in Hong Kong: What is Diabetes Mellitus (II) | 香港食得更健康: 什麼是糖尿病 (II)

Written by Thomas 撰寫人 Thomas

After the previous article mentioning Type II Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), we would like to further address a close relative of the disease – Type I Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM). The difference between them being an autoimmune disease and not.


Type I Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) | 一型糖尿病

T1DM is a chronic condition, which our pancreas makes little or no insulin because of unknown reason. Yes, unknown reason. Usually when the body’s immune system turn against ourselves, raging attacks onto our body’s own cells, and in this case being the cells inside our pancreas, leading to the inability to produce insulin. The age of onset starts from 4 to 7.


Risk Factors | 風險

Family history.


Signs and Symptoms | 病徵

The signs and symptoms below is also characterized by Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, for further information, please visit your family practitioner.

  • Feeling thirsty then usual

  • Frequent urination (Frequent bed wetting of children)

  • Always feeling hungry

  • Losing weight without effort


  • 比平常更口渴

  • 經常有意欲如廁 (會導致小朋友經常尿床)

  • 經常肚餓

  • 體重無原因下降

Prevention | 預防

No known way to cure T1DM, but there are ways for palliative care by injecting insulin and lifestyle modifications.


Dietary Advice | 飲食建議

If you’re new to T1DM, as well as T2DM, we highly recommend that the consumption of sugary food should be reduced. However, living in an Asia city, it would be an immense task to do so as every dish in the restaurant either contain rice or noodles, which are all made of sugar. Therefore, we, FOODBOX would like to recommend a few of our dishes for your positive lifestyle change!

如果你剛診斷有一型或二型的糖尿病,我們強烈建議減少糖份的攝取。但身在一個亞洲的城市,要脫離飯及麵談何容易。因此FOODBOX 希望可以為你提供幾款減糖,但又好味的沙律!

Chicken Caesar Salad | 烤雞肉凱撒沙律

Romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, cherry tomatoes, grated parmesan cheese, croutons

Portion (g): 470 | Calories (cal): 536 | Protein (g): 53 | Fat (g): 15 | Carbohydrate (g): 48 | Fiber (g): 10

Quinoa Salad | 藜麥沙律

Mesclun mix, quinoa, avocado, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet corn, carrots, red onions.

Portion (g): 525 | Calories (cal): 271 | Protein (g): 11 | Fat (g): 10 | Carbohydrate (g): 41 | Fiber (g): 13

Smoked Salmon Salad | 煙熏三文魚沙律

Mesclun mix, smoked salmon, feta cheese, cucumbers, capers, red onions.

Portion (g): 435 | Calories (cal): 480 | Protein (g): 35 | Fat (g): 16 | Carbohydrate (g): 48 | Fiber (g): 10

FOODBOX 於2015年起於香港提供個性化及新鮮的健康輕食餐盒,現有四家分店坐立於香港島及九龍。於香港新星品牌選舉獎前,FOODBOX也於不小地方獲得肯定,例如「全港十佳沙律外賣店」及「全港最佳沙律」等;2022 年更獲港鐵公司頒發「優異新品牌商舖」。

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FOODBOX is the best salad, sandwich and hot food takeaway concept that helps you live a healthier and more sustainable lifestyle in the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong.  Every award-winning, eco-friendly box is made fresh and to order, so your favourite salad, sandwich, or hot food boxes is always personalised... to you!

食得更環保。 食得更健康。 食得更新鮮。

FOODBOX是最好的沙律,三文治和熱食外賣概念,幫助您在香港的䌓囂中建立更健康、更可持續的生活方式。 因每個屢獲殊榮,環保餐盒都新鮮製作,您最喜愛的沙律、三文治或熱食一定充滿著你的個性!